Edward high-performance isolation valves are designed for critical service applications with temperatures exceeding 1,000°F and pressures surpassing 10,000 psi. The product line includes a variety of gate, globe, check, blowdown, bolted bonnet, nuclear and univalves from Edward, Equiwedge® and FliteFlow.
First manufactured in 1904, Edward valves have reliably met or exceeded customer expectations for more than a century, becoming the preferred choice for power plants, process facilities and other critical services.
Edward takes the heat and the pressure
Edward’s Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) and Main Feed Isolation valve (MFIV) are among the most critical safety-related components in nuclear power plants.
In addition to their reputation for safe and reliable performance, every Edward valve is environmentally and functionally qualified for the operable lifetime of the plant.
Discover Edward valves: the preferred choice for high-pressure, high-temperature applications.
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